Police Accountability Monitoring Program & Educational Remedies
Organization VIsion and MISSION Statement
The purpose of this organization includes, but is not limited to; COPWATCH AMERICA INCORPORATED (CAInc.) helps Communities and Victims of Constitutional, Civil and Human Rights Violations due to Official/Police Misconduct/Brutality, by providing a Network of Volunteer Professional Services and Guidance as a Complimentary Charity at no cost. Assuring the People of America have an Accessible and Transparent System in place to monitor and hold Officials/Police Accountable, Responsible, and Liable during their Duties they Serve the People of the United States. CAInc. consist of efforts to Promote and Direct Positive Social, Environmental, and Economical Change(s) in Society that are a Violation of Human, Civil, and Constitutional Rights. CAInc. believes in Collective Support and Peaceful Actions which are Legal, Organized, Purposeful, and Beneficial to the People of our Nation. CAInc. does NOT Promote, Participate, or Believe in violence as an Answer and is strictly Against actions of Hate, Hostility, or Harm towards Anyone. CAInc. is on a Mission to Save Lives... We Respect, Honor, and Value ALL Lives which causes some people in America to Not agree with Our Vision or Mission. This is why CAInc. is here for Posterity!
- Copwatch America
Incorporated (CAInc.)
EVERY DONATED PENNY GOES BACK INTO OUR COMMUNITIES TO HELP SAVE A LIFE. We need YOU to make a HUGH impacting difference with a SMALL but Generous donation of ANY AMOUNT which will SUPPORT our Professional Experts' innovative Community Projects and Organization Plans of Growth / Development. All donations are invested back into the Operations of our Nonprofit and NO Funds are Paid-Out to DIRECTORS or STAFF of Copwatch America Incorporated as compensation of labor or time spent in support of our Cause, Mission, or Movement. We ALL Volunteer and NEVER receive PAY to HELP People or Support our Cause, Mission, or Movement. Knowledge of Information is essential for Promoting, Protecting & Preserving Human Rights. CAInc. thanks you for your contributions, support and prays. God Bless the People of America and beyond!
We are accepting Members and Volunteers as we start our Seminars and Community Outreach Programs for families and children. Copwatch America Inc. is a "PREVENTATIVE Mission" to SAVE & PROTECT INNOCENT LIVES against Police/Official Misconduct and/or Brutality throughout our Communities. Email us if you would like to Contribute to "Human, Constitutional, Civil Rights" Seminars or Community Outreach Programs "The Criminal Justice System" provided in minority communities. CAInc. understands that public information is essential for Transparency and Accountability of Officials by the People. Our Human Civil, & Constitutional Rights can NOT be exercised without Knowledge of Rights to proclaim.
Check Out the News Stories and Social Media Videos linked to CAInc.'s Website. Please Be Advised: Videos May Contain Explicit Language, Violence & Human - Civil Rights Violations. EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY (Access to Information is Vital to Promote, Protect & Preserve Human Rights)
Copwatch America Incorporated was established as a Nonprofit Organization focused on Protecting CiVILIANs & Communities from Official/Police Misconduct and/or Brutality by exercising our Constitutional Rights to Request Documents from and Publicly Monitor ANY Public Official or Public Servant in the course of duties they serve the People of the United States. CAInc. holds Accountability, Monitoring, and Transparency as Important Tools w/ FOIA to deter and minimize Official/Police Misconduct/Brutality. CAInc. plans to reach out and Network with Communities, Attorneys, Journalist, Activist, Legal Observers, Nonprofits, & other like-minded individuals to further our Vision of Change. Our mission includes providing Low-Income Minority Communities with Educational & Outreach Programs focused on the Criminal Justice System & United States Law. Access to Information is vital to Promote, Protect, and Preserve our Human Rights in America.