The purpose of this organization includes, but is not limited to; COPWATCH AMERICA INCORPORATED or (CAInc.) helps Communities and Victims of Constitutional, Civil and Human Rights Violations due to Official/Police Misconduct/Brutality, by providing a Network of Volunteer Professional Services and Guidance as a Complimentary Charity FREE of Cost, assuring the People of America have an Accessible and Transparent System in place to Monitor and hold Officials/Police Accountable, Responsible, and Liable during the Duties they Serve the People of the United States.
Copwatch America Incorporated (CAInc.); is a volunteer Nonprofit Organization established to Promote, Protect, and Preserve our Civil Rights as Citizens under the United States Constitution & Bill of Rights against Police/Official Misconduct and/or Brutality. CAI Promotes & Enforces Audio/Video (Record/Live Stream) Documentation of Law Enforcement interactions with Civilians to Minimize, Deter, and Eliminate the possibility of another Innocent Death by Impetuous Law Enforcement Officials acting Injudicious. If Officials begin to understand that Copwatchers are ALWAYS observing or a chance WE may be watching, Law Enforcement tends to behave more Cautious, Responsible, and Empathetic when interacting with Civilians.
Access to Information is essential to our democracy. Open Record Laws & FOIA , play an important role in keeping our government Transparent and Accountable during the duties they serve. These acts and laws has been used to expose a wide range of Misconduct, threats to the public's Health and Safety, and wasted Tax-Payer's Money among other issues. Access to seek and receive Public Documents serves as a critical tool for fighting Corruption, enabling civilians to fully participate in Public Policies & Procedures, making governments more Efficient, encouraging Government/Community Relations, and helping persons exercise their Fundamental Rights. Access to Information is also a particularly useful tool for the informed exercise of other rights, such as Political or Social and Economic Rights. This is especially relevant when it comes to the protection of Marginalized or Excluded Segments of society that do not always have Systematic, Reliable ways of acquiring Education and/or Information on the scope of their rights and how to truly exercise them in situations vitally and most needed. Access to Information is critical for enabling citizens to exercise their Freedom of Speech, to Effectively Monitor and hold government to account, and to enter into informed dialogue about decisions which Affect their Lives. It is seen as vital for Empowering All Citizens, including vulnerable and excluded people, to claim their broader Rights and Entitlements. But the potential contribution to good governance of Access to Information lies in both the willingness of Government to be Transparent, as well as the ability of Citizens to Demand and Use Information, both of which may be constrained in low capacity settings.
Saving Lives through Police Accountability & Monitoring Programs is the Key to our Mission...
We SAVE LIVES Physically...
We SAVE LIVES Institutionally...
We SAVE LIVES for Posterity...
and We use the Laws of our Land to execute our Plan...